The previous six posts have been transferred from Facebook and here will grow into a timeline of development for the O'Rothlain Brewing Company and the Mobile Taps Wagon projects. We gained a business license and submitted corporate paperwork to establish our company in 2018. We have been involved in fermenting in the past. During the middle 1990s through 2004 We were making Cabernet and learning the winemaking processes, but as life goes the spirit was not with us in that adventure. We took a long break from the vision of running a family business and focused on our careers, the 7:00AM to 4:00PM grind. In 2014 we began home brewing, creating citrus IPA that was pretty good and wetted our appetites for getting better and making more. We continued making this style of beer and after several batches branched out into amber ale and lager. Getting an education in the chemistry of the brewing process, we read and researched and practiced until learning the process of creating recipes for our tastes. We invested in BeerSmith and began acquiring better equipment and getting more serious all the time. We were soon over our heads in brewing and needing to make decisions about how to do the project properly. So, we crafted a business plan. We set our parameters and created a vison and a mission that we were willing and excited to accomplish in a timeframe that made sense, without acquiring a lot of debt. Now, in 2020 we find ourselves delayed due to Covid and the collapse of the hospitality markets due to state lockdowns focused on restaurants and pubs as well as other social venues. Now we find ourselves about a year away from being able to get bonded and go public to sell. But, we keep hope alive. We grow what we can and get prepared...all while continuing the homebrew for ourselves, and to learn and perfect the recipes we will bring to the business. Nick and I are learning and it is fun. We are resurrecting an old familyu tradition, while creating a family business to work in affiliation with other businesses in the extended family. We can make 1 BBL batches and will be able to bond at 5 BBL capacity, scaling up. We still have work to do in order to make that opening, and we intend to do it. Stay tuned...
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